Monday, February 23, 2015

Grateful for 20 More Days

Day 2:
1. I'm grateful that I was able to ride Bus A this morning and be able to find a seat. 
2. While on the bus, my seat mate, a girl asked me if it's already Makati, I told her we were still in Guadalupe. I asked her where she's heading in Makati. She then apologized to me, saying she can't really hear very well. All the sounds were mixed up and she said it started when she almost drowned. She told me she's heading to Palanan, I told her it's still a long way to go. So, what I'm grateful for is the ability to hear, even when I also had a drowning experience when I was a child. I said a little prayer for her along the way, hoping she'll be healed some day soon. 
3. I'm grateful for my best friend who's 7 weeks preggy at last, after almost 5 years of being married. 

That's it for today. Now back to work.

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